Monday, September 28, 2009

Out of the Vacuum

I am back friends. Rejuvenated and re-invented. It is NOT that things have become better now. But I have stopped thinking about them. I have started enjoying the life. And I have started doing the trivial things that I like to do. It is not that it changed all of a sudden. It took time. And the trip to Chandigarh proved to be last nail in the coffin of my emotional vacuum. I feel good now. 

My people who supported me throughout this emotional trough deserve my thanks. But I am short of words to do so. Dad and Deepu, you have always been beside me. This time was no exception. I feel blessed. 
Sanjeev, Swati, Gary, Pooja mam. You held me when I was down. Thank you. 
Naomi, I thank you for listening whatever I shared.
Friends, I apologize for being on pills. But I discontinued them on Friday only.  Now I do not let negative thoughts enter my mind.  I shall never take them again in my life. And I can say it because I have changed my views and approach towards living.

Shall write about Chandigarh trip in my next post. 
Now feeling sleepy. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Swati said...

Good buddy .. very gud..
I m happy for you..
Well live in this "changed" attitude.. it will change ur life n in a very good sense..
N i think close ppl doesnt need thanks..
what say buddy?

Chal kunal ab padhai pe dhyan de..
You have to achieve higher goals.. dont forget..

I m eager to read your next post/article of your trip to chandigarh..
Post soon yaar..

Take care buddy.. I wish gud luck to you.. n my warm wishes on occassion of DASSERA to you, your family and all to the ppl who visit n read this blog..