Monday, September 28, 2009

Out of the Vacuum

I am back friends. Rejuvenated and re-invented. It is NOT that things have become better now. But I have stopped thinking about them. I have started enjoying the life. And I have started doing the trivial things that I like to do. It is not that it changed all of a sudden. It took time. And the trip to Chandigarh proved to be last nail in the coffin of my emotional vacuum. I feel good now. 

My people who supported me throughout this emotional trough deserve my thanks. But I am short of words to do so. Dad and Deepu, you have always been beside me. This time was no exception. I feel blessed. 
Sanjeev, Swati, Gary, Pooja mam. You held me when I was down. Thank you. 
Naomi, I thank you for listening whatever I shared.
Friends, I apologize for being on pills. But I discontinued them on Friday only.  Now I do not let negative thoughts enter my mind.  I shall never take them again in my life. And I can say it because I have changed my views and approach towards living.

Shall write about Chandigarh trip in my next post. 
Now feeling sleepy. Goodnight.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Positive!!! HOW?????

Friends, I am grateful to all of you for going through this blog and providing with your valuable feedback. Believe me, I never knew that my writings could ever be appreciated. I am no intellectual, I do not hold any degree/ diploma in literature. Moreover, I do not possess the hobby of reading. Yes friends, I do not read. Of the very few books that I have read, all were gifted. I mention reading because I always thought 'reading' was an indispensable recipe to write well.
Okay okay, let me NOT brag much. 

Through this post, I take an opportunity to thank those who consistently encourage me to write more and more.

I just noticed, I start my posts well, but end up pointing the negatives. That is why I want to write something positive. 

But friends, I am going through the toughest times of my life. Yes, I make no bones in sharing that I am in the worst mindset since I remember. We, a family of four, have seen days much worse. But I never lost heart. Today, I stand on crossroads, professional life refuses to take off. As if not getting a call for the IAS interview was not enough, I keep on getting bugged. Personally, I have never been so lonely among so many friends. 
I do not put the details. But I think my condition can be understood by the fact that since Monday, I have been taking anti-depression pills. And it took me great efforts to write my last post, where I thanked all of you for wishing me on my birthday. But now I believe I must share. The doctor says that I must bring ONLY positive thoughts. 
But friends, when those who are close to you, they become the source of depression, then what can be done?
Now Swati, please tell me, where can I get positive topics from. I am sorry Sanjeev. I lied. I am still on pills. Shall discontinue them soon. May be a day or two. 

In the end, I can only thank all those who have been so supportive all this while.
A special thanks to my boss Pooja Mam. Your support in the office was so healing. Deepak, Gary, Vaibhav, Ranvijay, Swati, and all those who took care of me, I thank all of you.

No friends, I do NOT need your sympathies. Just wishes, that I come out of it.

I promise to come out of it. Very soon. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thanks for your wishes

Sanjeev, Swati, Dr Mona, all those who wished me on my birthday through their valuable comments on this blog, I say Thank You to all . I also thank those who wished me through other fora. My family, my sister, Saurav, Michael, Tarun, Anjor, Gaurav bhai, Anna, Alka, Ruchi, Sanchi, Rajni, Farah, Shivani, Mannu, Pooja mam, Satya sir, Vaibhav, Gary, Ankit, Vijay, Sanya, Bala, Navdha, Monika, Ashis, Roshan sir, Dhiraj,Arti, Manmohan, Ranvijay, and my whole team. The list is endless. Apologies called for, if I have forgotten any name.

I also thank those who wished me in their hearts and shall tell their feelings the next time I meet them. And shall tell how busy they were to .........


A special thanks to the person who introduced me to a new dimension of celebration. I always thought that the birthday boy/ gal has to throw a party. But this time, i was treated to a marvellous lunch. Custard was YUMMY. Thanks Naomi.

Ok buddies, till next time, ciao.

P.S. Do NOT forget to take a bite of THIS cake. :P

Sunday, September 20, 2009



Yet again I am posting a post. And yet again I am late in doing this. I must change this habit.

The navratris have started and are being celebrated all over the country. I need NOT tell anyone that these navratris are considered to be the MOST pious days among Hindus. It is the GODDESS SHAKTI in her 9 forms who is worshipped.


But look who is worshipping the Goddess. A lady who worships her so that her daugher-in-law shall be 'blessed' with a male child.

Take this. There is a group of bhakts in my area, who would NOT leave any chance at a crowded place to brush against the body of a female. Boys in this group seem to carry permanent lust in their eyes. I wonder whether they do carry the same feelings for their own sisters and mothers. And this so called group of bhakts is 'organising' a jagaran of MAA DURGA. Give me a break.

There is this man in my locality who would beat his wife at any instance. Abusing must accompany the beatings. He has become a saint these days. Chanting Jai Mata Di.

I feel so helpless.

It is NOT that good people do not observe navratris. But then good becomes a relative word when we make comparisons. What is the use of worshipping a female deity, when our females do not feel safe while travelling in our cities? What is the bloody use of observing fasts when female foetuses can be found in backyards, and that too in scores?

I know I should NOT be getting too much negative. I should be sharing good thoughts on the holy occasion. And that is why I have NOT spoken for other issues like dowry deaths, molestation, discrimination, and numerous crimes that are committed against the fairer sex every single second.

I am not able to think of remedies to these problems. I really feel bad and helpless. Confronting the culprits at the metro or in a bus is something that does not kill demon once and for all.

I can only wish that Every single girl is allowed to take birth, achieve equal opportunities.

Happy Navratris.