Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hatred O Hatred!

Hatred O Hatred!
Don't fade away.
I need you, to blow the dirty games
That our enemies play.

By OUR, i mean we Indians.

Friends, it is well known that hatred is a force to reckon with. We cannot ignore it. We have to be realistic. No longer can we preach that Love conquers everything. Hatred is an emotion that sometimes can motivate someone in such a way that all other emotions seem to be dwarfed by it.
Oh yes!! We need to channelise this feeling in proper directions, by proper means.

OUR ENEMIES that I have mentioned include anyone and everyone, who is contributing to the detriment of India, and Indians. Terrorists or Maoists. Babus or netas. Or even the commoner. Anyone who does it, is an enemy to India.

Coming back to channelising hatred correctly, what I mean is that we should not start adopting ruffian ways. But yes, we should put a price on our lives, on our smiles.
It is sheer non sense to advocate cultural, artistic or sporting relations with Pakistan, even in such times. The common Pakistani may not be behind Mumbai attacks, but sometimes distances are necessary. No love for them at this moment. Not at least in my heart.

And look at our netas. They could not get united before. But when public anger was ubiquitous, they cut across party lines, to 'condemn' that. This unanimity can be witnessed among them only when a bill is to be tabled in legislature that concerns increase in their emoluments.

There is a plethora of examples that can convey the meaning of italicized lines above. But I think these two are sufficient.

So, chalta hai attitude is gone. Fake smiles are gone.
This flame should be left burning.
Cutting across all the strata.

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