Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

As we walk towards dawn of a new year
Let us pledge that we shall Live life to the fullest
Without any fear.

As we step into 2009
Let us all hope for each other
A year that shall be
Prosperous, Happy and Fine.

Wishing everyone a very Happy and Prosperous 2009

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hatred O Hatred!

Hatred O Hatred!
Don't fade away.
I need you, to blow the dirty games
That our enemies play.

By OUR, i mean we Indians.

Friends, it is well known that hatred is a force to reckon with. We cannot ignore it. We have to be realistic. No longer can we preach that Love conquers everything. Hatred is an emotion that sometimes can motivate someone in such a way that all other emotions seem to be dwarfed by it.
Oh yes!! We need to channelise this feeling in proper directions, by proper means.

OUR ENEMIES that I have mentioned include anyone and everyone, who is contributing to the detriment of India, and Indians. Terrorists or Maoists. Babus or netas. Or even the commoner. Anyone who does it, is an enemy to India.

Coming back to channelising hatred correctly, what I mean is that we should not start adopting ruffian ways. But yes, we should put a price on our lives, on our smiles.
It is sheer non sense to advocate cultural, artistic or sporting relations with Pakistan, even in such times. The common Pakistani may not be behind Mumbai attacks, but sometimes distances are necessary. No love for them at this moment. Not at least in my heart.

And look at our netas. They could not get united before. But when public anger was ubiquitous, they cut across party lines, to 'condemn' that. This unanimity can be witnessed among them only when a bill is to be tabled in legislature that concerns increase in their emoluments.

There is a plethora of examples that can convey the meaning of italicized lines above. But I think these two are sufficient.

So, chalta hai attitude is gone. Fake smiles are gone.
This flame should be left burning.
Cutting across all the strata.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I am back :)

Resuming something after a hiatus can be tricky. Be it playing cricket, visiting the gym, going out driving, whatever. With one significant exception, that is meeting some one dear to you, a long break makes us rusty - at least it is the case with me. And blogging is no exception here.
This break was due to The Mains Exams. But it took me another one month to word my thoughts here. Don't know why, but didn't feel like doing so. But i am sure I shall catch up.
World has seen changes in these 3 months. Both good and Bad.
Shall write on those issues later - separately.
But I shall end this post, by paying my Homage to the victims of the ghastly attacks on India's financial capital. And tribute to all the heroes who fought valiantly during the crisis.
Good to see the Indians getting united.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Power to say NO

Friday, 5 September, 2008. After submitting my forms for the mains, I had almost left the window when a fellow aspirant asked for my punching machine. I was more than happy to do him the favour. But then, another fellow, apparently his colleague asked for the same. Not from me, from Him. Okay. Chalta hai. Why should I frown upon that the first person did not bother to have a look at me, seeking my permissions, as a matter of ettiquettes. But then, a third person took the punch (Hope it is clear what I am referring to), did his job, and passed it to a gal, who won some gratitudes from 5-6 people. Now irritation caught me. It was my property, and I was waiting to get it back. And the moustached aspirant, who borrowed it from me, had gone, to submit his form. Within a matter of seconds, there was a crowd of "borrowers" around my punch. Last time I had been a witness to such a crowd was when I saw a wealthy devotee at Sri Hanuman Temple being surrounded by anxious "beggars" to get some prasad.

No, in no way am I comparing these aspirants (some of whom may eventually turn to be in the top level executive) to those "ever-anxious" beggars of the temple. And anyway, that wealthy devotee was receiving "blessings" from the mouths he was feeding.

Here, the best part of the scene came, when on seeking my device back, I heard , " Arey thehro bhaai!! hum pehle se 'line' mein hain." The shock came. The shock went. This was the limit.

I decided to take it back. And I did. Only to say a firm NO for any request thereafter. After all, I had a class in 15 minutes.

This may seem as an act of selfishness. But I used the power that I have acquired recently. The power to say NO. It's always good to say the word, when you don't feel like doing one a favour. And I have learnt that the sooner we say, the better it is. Not long ago, I was too worried about the sentiments of other person. I am not saying that Now I am Not. Oh yes, I am. And that's why, when don't feel like doing someone a favour, I simply say NO. It is better than saying a reluctant 'why not?' and then disapponting the person, for being unable to do it properly. So much (s)he expected of me. And I? A mortal commoner. Could not do such a simple task. And then goes the round of calls and mails seeking her/his apologies.

Coming back to the UPSC Bhawan episode, I came out and headed off for my class. As for those people whom I had opted not to 'help', whom I was no less than an 'axis of evil' at that time, they must have got something else to tie the copies of their certificates to their respective forms. And I made it to the class - in time. Just because I was able to say a firm NO.

[May be I require some lessons on humanity. But then, I am gradually becoming like others. :-)]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First hurdle cleared :-)

Congratulations! Your Roll Number : 012464 figures in the list of successful candidates

As I mentioned earlier, last year and a half has been taxing for me. I quit my job to pursue my childhood dream of being a civil servant.
And today, when I saw the words given here in red, all that agony, all that sweat appeared to be sweet.

Yes My friends, I have cleared the first hurdle.
And the mains exam for civil services start from October the 17th.

I shall be on cloud nine, if I do succeed in being an IAS officer.
But this result is very special to me. It has brought the grin
back on my face. I feel relieved. And, we all know that confidence is a vehicle that runs on success.

I was not able to sleep properly for the past fifteen days or so. Was not able to concentrate on anything. But now, I can.

In this effort, my family has been a rock to me. Supporting me always. No prizes for guessing, I thank my parents and my brother.
My friends are no less, who are equally happy with this result as I am.
One called from Singapore, to share this moment.
One cheered for I, the wierdo on Gmail.
Then there is one who called me in spite of excruciating pain.
And how can I forget the one who called just aise hi from B'lore, but was at loss of words.
Thank you my friends, for being there.

Won't be able to write more.
I need this feeling to get settled in me.
Waise bhi, I have to spare some words for the real occasion, too :-)

The only thing that I have to bear in mind is, "Success is never a destination. It is, always, a milestone."

And ya, to improve upon myself, I would remember George Bernard Shaw, who said, "Satisfaction is Death."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nothing like a Gold

Let me not write too much about our country's supreme inability to produce olympic medals, from about one and a quarter billion strong human resources.
Let me cherish the moment we have been waiting since ages. No my dear friends, it is not a dream.

ABHINAV BINDRA has done it. The glitter of the olympic gold is reflecting on Indian faces after a traumatising gap of 28 years. And the fact that it is the first ever individual gold for India at the mecca of world sports, speaks volumes for the efforts of the bespectacled shooter. What appeared amazing to me was the calm that Bindra showed, at the podium.

But was it not on the cards, after Rajyavardhan's silver at Athens? May be. They say that the shooting federation has put in efforts for its athletes. If that is the case, then other sporting bodies should get inspired.

The golden question being put today is, whether we can have more moments of success in these olympic games? Only time can tell.

Till then, let's hope for the best and enjoy the moment.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back to my own ways

More than a month since I wrote last.
Have been through various phases in this period of little over 30 days.
Trip to Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar-Konark ---- awesome.

On the other hand, there were some other things, that are too personal to mention, took my smile away.
But thankfully, all the phases are over and I am back to my old insane ways. Shall tell you how, a little later. :-)

Wanted to write earlier, especially after my week long outing. But then, I am what I am.
First, the thought that snaps of the places i had been to, should grace the writing. Good thought. But you know what, I still haven't bought the data cable required to upload them in my PC.
Sometimes I feel like being a little more judicious in spending money. Three thousand for speakers are cool to me, but a few hundred for the data cable seem too much. Then I was not in a mood to write anything.

Okay, now a few words on my sanity. The continuous darkening of the clouds in the evening were indicative of a heavy downpour. And the child in me woke up after a long sleep.
I set off on my cycle. Water all over me, took the longest route in the last month or so.
Still Feeling great.

You know, they say that trivial things keep you happy. True. But a slightly different version goes for me. When I AM happy, i do such stupid things, (biking in 44 degrees), just to increase that degree of happiness, a little bit.

Now I no longer get angry on anything and everything. No longer do I feel like killing the person who jumps the traffic signal, when It is my turn to go. And no longer do I spend more time in introspection than any other thing.
I wanna keep this sense of joy for long. And shall do that, God Willing.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Doctor time, Again. :-(

For the nth time in last one-and-a-half year, I visited my doctor yesterday. He explained the same reasons for my sickness and same precautions, especially what to eat and what not to.

This period of one and a half year IS significant. Because I started preparing for civil services in Feb 2007. Since then, it has been studies, studies, studies, and more studies. Well, there is no debate that studies is THE raw material to become a finished product (read IAS officer).
But in my case, this process has been agonizing. And the agony is due to the fact that i lost frequent contact with my old friends. To add to that, I did not make any new ones.

So I have realized that the reason behind all my problems (including my frequent illness and short temper) is my loneliness, that I opted for.
Now I even wonder that was it really a wise decision to take a sabbatical from the mainstream??

The answer that comes out of my gut is YES.
But I need to do something bout this loneliness.
Oh no!! I am not looking for a girl
Just need to socialize a bit more.

It's just that I need to be more involved in the society.
Just cycling for 10 kms everyday wont do.

I know that It is a really bad phase I am going through.
Coz due to my sickness, i am unable to concentrate, and have not studied a single word for two days.
And I do know that i shall overcome this thing quite soon.

But till then, it's all frustration.
Hope I never experience this thing again.

And let me hope for the best.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Games of the Almighty

NOTE: The object of the post is NOT to hurt the sentiments of any community or any individual. Still, Apologies if someone gets hurt.

This friend of mine was my classmate till Xth standard. Don't wanna name him, so let's call him, ummmmmmmmm, Aakash (coz I do not have any friend by that name, :-) till writing of this post).
Aakash was brilliant in studies and good at sports. Decent bachcha. A textbook on good manners.
The only problem with him was that he could NOT develop a sense of belonging towards people from other religions (read Muslims). It's not that he was a bigot. No, he was not. But I believe he could never imagine a non-Hindu to be a close friend of his.

But look how the Almighty plays games with us. :-)

He never got involved anywhere (with a girl) till he was studying.
But now he has.

And yes, you have got it right.
The girl is a Muslim.
I could NOT believe my ears when he first told me this.
He is in LOVE with a Muslim girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, love knows no boundaries.
And it can be inferred from the story that Love can turn a stone to a man.
Sorry Aakash!!!!! ;-)

Now the sad part.
To quote him, "Kuchh nahi ho sakta yaar"
One need not be an Einstein to understand what he meant.
They have decided that there is no point in going against the wishes of the families.
Kudos to you and the girl, my friend!

We all know that parents can be unreasonable in opposing their child's choice.
Still, relations, especially marriages that go against the wishes of parents, generally do NOT last long. And I am NOT throwing this statement in the air.

You know, sometimes we have to make sacrifices in spite of being on the correct side. But perhaps, sacrifices are committed only by the true......

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The 4th Pillar!!!! Well.............

There is little doubt that media has proved itself as the fourth pillar of democracy. But this pillar often acts in a way that the building it supports starts getting tremors. I bet you won't disagree.
The cases are decided on TV channels, audience being the jury and some 'I-won't-shave-till-I-die' experts as the judges. Sms being the most potent instrument, taking care of the 'litigation fees' of the media house.
The latest example is of the poor kid Arushi. I can NOT go into the details, as investigations are still going on (LOL - UP Police). But by assassinating the departed soul's character, media has got enough gold in the treasury. The least we say on this case, the better.
We also have special one-hour programmes dedicated to disseminating a verdict given by the Supreme Court, without having any knowledge of the evidences, witnesses, etc.

It's not that media is doing all bad.
And it's not that such stories are forced on us.
Many of us do possess a taste for such things.

So what can be done??

It is claimed that media is the aaina of the society.
So the best we can do is stop endorsing masala channels and journals.

Rest, my dear journalist friends, is up to you.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


This is something we all are aware of. The dreaded "queue".
All of us must have been a part of it, some time in our lives, no matter which "class" we hail from.
The nature of queue may change, but its existence is a certainity.

And the best part is, we never care of any queue.
I still remember that scorching afternoon, when I was in that queue to get my DTC bus Pass done at Hari Nagar Depot. I waited for some two hours in the July sun, when the queue got broken and everyone started to believe in those famous lines of Amitabh from Deewar, " Hum Jahan khade hote hain, line wahin se shuru hoti hai." The gentleman at the counter got mad and refused to entertain any new forms, till order prevails.
Then, at least 4 different queues could be counted, each being labelled as the original one.

Interestingly, again a single queue was forced to be formed, and I, a submissive, innocent school student, could not "prove" that mera number aane wala tha, tabhi yeh scene ho gaya.
I was sent back, with some 50 people ahead of me.
Needless to say, I left the scene and get the pass done, the next day from Scindia House, within an hour. How come so early?? Well, there were poles and railings out there, to prevent anybody to come out of turn.

Things have changed quite a lot since then.
DTC has introduced computerized passes, and we rarely find such queues now.
And more Importantly, I am no Longer a submissive or an innocent school student.
Have learnt to keep others in order.

But still, the queue is an important part of my life, as for most of you.
And you know what?? I still see many morons roaming around to get their job done without being in the queue. They can be seen doing that when I reach there and stand as the last man in the queue, and even after MY job is done.

Can we be a bit more disciplined??

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Here I am......

Finally I enter the world of blogs.
Waise, A blog is a wonderful forum, isn't it?
People say whatever they can NOT in person, over here.
They would bitch, they would swear.
They would do anything they wish
Without any fear.

But I do NOT have such plans.
Would like to interact and have fun.
I do not need a cyber weapon.
To make my adversaries run.

As about me,
Just ur next door neighbour.