Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ever given a thought?? Have we?

On my way to office today, I saw someone "special" in the bus. Someone who would never attract anyone. Instead would cause some frowns. I was no different. I did opt for standing, rather than sitting beside her. I did not look at her. Wondering who she was? She was a Leper. Those 10 odd minutes in the bus seemed tortorous to me. My conscinece said, "Kunal, u were never like this." Anyway, I do not intend to express my feelings for myself or for the poor gal. All i can say is that now I hate myself for the said feelings. What I get to learn here is that...... we always cribb for something or the other. We are always ready with complaints. and we hardly thank the Almighty for giving us what we have.
Isnt it worth a thought?

1 comment:

Swati said...

Yup buddy...
I think v shld b happy wht v hv rather complaining for what v need or dont hv.