Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back to my own ways

More than a month since I wrote last.
Have been through various phases in this period of little over 30 days.
Trip to Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar-Konark ---- awesome.

On the other hand, there were some other things, that are too personal to mention, took my smile away.
But thankfully, all the phases are over and I am back to my old insane ways. Shall tell you how, a little later. :-)

Wanted to write earlier, especially after my week long outing. But then, I am what I am.
First, the thought that snaps of the places i had been to, should grace the writing. Good thought. But you know what, I still haven't bought the data cable required to upload them in my PC.
Sometimes I feel like being a little more judicious in spending money. Three thousand for speakers are cool to me, but a few hundred for the data cable seem too much. Then I was not in a mood to write anything.

Okay, now a few words on my sanity. The continuous darkening of the clouds in the evening were indicative of a heavy downpour. And the child in me woke up after a long sleep.
I set off on my cycle. Water all over me, took the longest route in the last month or so.
Still Feeling great.

You know, they say that trivial things keep you happy. True. But a slightly different version goes for me. When I AM happy, i do such stupid things, (biking in 44 degrees), just to increase that degree of happiness, a little bit.

Now I no longer get angry on anything and everything. No longer do I feel like killing the person who jumps the traffic signal, when It is my turn to go. And no longer do I spend more time in introspection than any other thing.
I wanna keep this sense of joy for long. And shall do that, God Willing.


Anonymous said...

u know happiness is within ourselves.u do d original things when happy.but always hear ur concience. u`ll be happy forever.

Kunal Gautam said...

Thanx Buddy.
Point noted

Anonymous said...

yaa. happines is all over around us.. in d air , in d water, in fire.. wat v have to do is identify it.... by seeing things positively.. xcluding hatred frm our swt mind and be cheerfull always...u'll find urself in different state.. state giving ur mind peace.. beauty n love all around us...

Unknown said...
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