Thursday, August 14, 2008

First hurdle cleared :-)

Congratulations! Your Roll Number : 012464 figures in the list of successful candidates

As I mentioned earlier, last year and a half has been taxing for me. I quit my job to pursue my childhood dream of being a civil servant.
And today, when I saw the words given here in red, all that agony, all that sweat appeared to be sweet.

Yes My friends, I have cleared the first hurdle.
And the mains exam for civil services start from October the 17th.

I shall be on cloud nine, if I do succeed in being an IAS officer.
But this result is very special to me. It has brought the grin
back on my face. I feel relieved. And, we all know that confidence is a vehicle that runs on success.

I was not able to sleep properly for the past fifteen days or so. Was not able to concentrate on anything. But now, I can.

In this effort, my family has been a rock to me. Supporting me always. No prizes for guessing, I thank my parents and my brother.
My friends are no less, who are equally happy with this result as I am.
One called from Singapore, to share this moment.
One cheered for I, the wierdo on Gmail.
Then there is one who called me in spite of excruciating pain.
And how can I forget the one who called just aise hi from B'lore, but was at loss of words.
Thank you my friends, for being there.

Won't be able to write more.
I need this feeling to get settled in me.
Waise bhi, I have to spare some words for the real occasion, too :-)

The only thing that I have to bear in mind is, "Success is never a destination. It is, always, a milestone."

And ya, to improve upon myself, I would remember George Bernard Shaw, who said, "Satisfaction is Death."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nothing like a Gold

Let me not write too much about our country's supreme inability to produce olympic medals, from about one and a quarter billion strong human resources.
Let me cherish the moment we have been waiting since ages. No my dear friends, it is not a dream.

ABHINAV BINDRA has done it. The glitter of the olympic gold is reflecting on Indian faces after a traumatising gap of 28 years. And the fact that it is the first ever individual gold for India at the mecca of world sports, speaks volumes for the efforts of the bespectacled shooter. What appeared amazing to me was the calm that Bindra showed, at the podium.

But was it not on the cards, after Rajyavardhan's silver at Athens? May be. They say that the shooting federation has put in efforts for its athletes. If that is the case, then other sporting bodies should get inspired.

The golden question being put today is, whether we can have more moments of success in these olympic games? Only time can tell.

Till then, let's hope for the best and enjoy the moment.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back to my own ways

More than a month since I wrote last.
Have been through various phases in this period of little over 30 days.
Trip to Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar-Konark ---- awesome.

On the other hand, there were some other things, that are too personal to mention, took my smile away.
But thankfully, all the phases are over and I am back to my old insane ways. Shall tell you how, a little later. :-)

Wanted to write earlier, especially after my week long outing. But then, I am what I am.
First, the thought that snaps of the places i had been to, should grace the writing. Good thought. But you know what, I still haven't bought the data cable required to upload them in my PC.
Sometimes I feel like being a little more judicious in spending money. Three thousand for speakers are cool to me, but a few hundred for the data cable seem too much. Then I was not in a mood to write anything.

Okay, now a few words on my sanity. The continuous darkening of the clouds in the evening were indicative of a heavy downpour. And the child in me woke up after a long sleep.
I set off on my cycle. Water all over me, took the longest route in the last month or so.
Still Feeling great.

You know, they say that trivial things keep you happy. True. But a slightly different version goes for me. When I AM happy, i do such stupid things, (biking in 44 degrees), just to increase that degree of happiness, a little bit.

Now I no longer get angry on anything and everything. No longer do I feel like killing the person who jumps the traffic signal, when It is my turn to go. And no longer do I spend more time in introspection than any other thing.
I wanna keep this sense of joy for long. And shall do that, God Willing.